What: The core of our coaching process is a two-day “catalyst” session that provides skills and strategies targeted to the individual executive. At the close of this session, coach and client create an agreement about how to work together going forward.
Why: Our executive coaching provides leaders with the “escape velocity” they need to break unproductive habits and integrate new ways of working. Leaders better understand their strengths and growth areas, and gain new skills and knowledge to translate this self-awareness into improved performance.
Who: Executive coaching is especially helpful to leaders who have recently been promoted into more challenging positions, those who have high potential but are somehow limiting their own success, those who need to build or hone their management or leadership skills and those who are most critical to the company’s success.
How: 6 to 12-month individual engagement, starting with data collection about the coachee (completed through online multi-rater assessment and interviews with colleagues chosen by the coachee), followed by a 2-day one-on-one “catalyst” coaching session, focused on teaching skills and mindset to address key issues, while building on existing strengths. Over the following months, the coach supports the coachee to implement the action plan developed during the catalyst session. Executive coaching can be done in-person or virtually (when done virtually, the 2-day catalyst session is divided into three 4-hour sessions completed over the course of a few days).